WR Expansions - Which to get and which not to?


Dalayan Beginner

I am considering buying EQ again, with the sole intention of playing WR, and no EQlive whatsoever.

I am trying to discern which expansions, exactly, I will see benefits and/or content from within WR.

I see some bits on the website that say 'up to LDoN'... so does that mean 'up to and including' LDoN? Nothing later?
I also see notes to go ahead and install extra expansions if you have them, but since i'm not going to ever play EQlive, and i'm going out to purchase these, I want to know what I can skip.

Can someone give me an exact list of every EQ expansion that will have bearing on my WR experience?

Thanks in advance!
As per the WR Starting Guide preparation steps:

1 Install Everquest®
2 Install Everquest: Ruins of Kunark™
3 Install Everquest: Scars of Velious™
4 Install Everquest: Shadows of Luclin™
5 If you have them available, install the later expansions up to Lost Dungeons of Norrath.

Unless this list is now defunct and has additional titles, this is what I would go by...
If you have them available, install the later expansions up to Lost Dungeons of Norrath.
What is the difference between installing "the later expansions up to Lost Dungeons of Norrath" and not installing them?
You don't get the new graphics for frogloks if you play them as they were introduced with LoY (Legacy of Ykesha)... I think theres a few more but they are rudimentary at best.
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