Wizard Quad Kiting still exist?


Dalayan Beginner
On live my main was a Wizard.

From like level 32 or 34 (can't recall exactly when they got circle of force) I quad kited all the way to 60.

Pull four mobs, AoE snare, then kite in a big circle and nuke them down. Rinse repeat.

Just wondering if the spells/mechanics and even the mobs in the zones allow for this sort of thing on SoD.

If I recall I did Gnolls outside Splitpaw, Aviaks in Timorous Deep, Specters in Oasis of Marr, etc.
I've triple kited on my wizard twink when I got my AE snare, I think I was around the east plaguelands level. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure I leveled up faster just in groups and blowing things up, just too much down time even with nice twink gear and lots of flowing thought.
I have had more luck kiting 3 mobs with AoEs than I have had using rains. Don't know if I just fail at raining or what. In my opinion grouping was much quicker xp as well. One fun trick for when you get to the high 50's is to get a tank, a healer and fill the other spots with wizards and mages. PBAOE the shit outta VE and E tmaps. Quick xp plus gear.
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