Wizard Newport Cup


Dalayan Beginner
I am unsure which part I am on, either part three (most likely, since this is where the wiki ends its coverage of the quest) or part four.

The Newport wizard guildmaster requests you go to Summoner Svenn's bedroom in the Lion's Mane Inn and 'throw explosions at him' until he gives back the bag of money for the team helmets.

The issue lies in the fact that Svenn responds with the same one-liner as he does in the guild when hailed in his room. Attacking him (either by melee or by 'throwing explosions at him') leads to his death, but his body is empty, no bag spawns in his room to collect, and talking to the wizard guildmaster again only respawns Svenn.

I have done all I can think of, both searching the entire Inn thinking maybe the bag spawns elsewhere and hailing Svenn mid-combat, thinking maybe he would surrender.
There is another thread asking about this stage of the quest.

I'm the one that wrote up the first two quests for wizards but this one took me so long I lost interest lol

Anyway, if you look at the other thread. Dev-ThinkMeats wrote the quest line and he also wrote the warrior quest line. He implies for the wizard questline and is a fact for the warrior quest line that ANY outside help results in you not getting the quest reward. As in the warrior quest line, the quest pieces pop into your inventory and are not looted or found.

Basically, you need to blast Sven down to some unknown % health and hail him at which time he gives up and despawns and you have the quest item in your inventory.

I finished the quest by constantly smashing the "H" key and nuking the bejeezus out of him. It took a lot of tries to get it right. When I was lower level I died a lot, and when I gained a couple of levels, Sven went down too fast. It's a quest badly in need of some work. IMHO
I did this step twice. I was using a higher level cleric to help as Sven was red to my wiz. The first time my cleric just killed it and nothing. The 2nd time I got the KS on my wiz and got an item in my inventory. Not sure if it was because it was slower kill or because who got the KS.
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