Wizard newbie quest broken? (or hard to understand)


Dalayan Beginner
recently rolled a wizy and have been doing the newbie quests in Newport for them.
i did the first one in which i speak to the janitor dude and get him two gloves and a tunic.

The second one in which i get 4 bottles of ratman ale for the ogre who wants to be a wizard.

now on the third part ive hit a brick wall..
this is the dialogue:

Summoner Sven is standing in the same room as the GM is and when i hail him he gives me a reponse with something similar too
'you are poor and dumb and want cash..'

i took the part about throwing explosions at him as im supposed to nuke the hell outa him.. that did not work hes red to me at level 12 and owned my ass. Since im guessing this quest should be doable at my level i deduce im doing something wrong or quest is misbehaving (or im simply stupid).

Help please!
Those quest lines actually range up to near 30 if the magician one is any indication. Unfortunately having never done the wizard side of things, I can't be of any more help than that.
searched a bit, any suggestions on keywords, searched for Summoner Sven and wizard quest but dident find it there
I searched the wiki exstensively for you, and found NADA. For those wizards out there doing these, please update the wiki when you find things.

I'm thinking of doing them on my wizzy just to get the info to update the wiki.

Wizard quests are super sparse on the wiki, same with SKs.
This thread is the first result I get when I search for "Sven", it contains answers to your questions.
nope, because he does not leave for his house, talked to Wiz GM 5 or more times and Sven always stands in same spot inside the same house, he does not leve for his house and does not let me talk to him, and muchless let me throw anything at him
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