Wis caster archaic pieces


Dalayan Adventurer
Ok, to all the guys raiding T7-T9 on regular basis...
After UT was removed, where have you guys seen the FULL PAGE archaic piece for wisdom casters (yeah I just wanna know where to pug to get my last piece)
Ok, to all the guys raiding T7-T9 on regular basis...
After UT was removed, where have you guys seen the FULL PAGE archaic piece for wisdom casters (yeah I just wanna know where to pug to get my last piece)

Haven't seen once since UT removal, but I know I got my full page off Folerit.
I also got my full page shaman off Folerit, but this was before the removal of Thaz. We have been doing UC a lot since the removal and have not seen a single archaic frag of any type. Have not been to Frost.
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