winter's roar = EQEmulator?


lost user

I know, sounds like a silly question. But the instructions ask you to create an account on EQEmulator, then activate the account on EQEmulator, but the -game- asks for a Winter's Roar activated account, which I can't seem to do. Any tips?
Maybe I didn't understand you well... Did you already log into WR? If not, are you trying to create a Login account? (once the eqemu forum account has been created)

If you have problems with creating a login account, visit this guide.

You're looking for this:
a) EQemu account creation.

NOTE: If you already have an EQemu account, skip this section and proceed to step B.

Go here and sign up for an EQemulator forum account.
Log into your account and click the profile link.
Write down your "Login server activation key"
Go here to create a Login server account (not to be confused with the forum account you just created) and use the activation key you wrote down. You can create a total of 3 accounts.

If you have problems playing because your account hasn't been approved, read the rules and then ask again in this forum.

Hope this helps.
got it!

I got it figured out, thanks! Basically I am dummy254 who didn't read the rules...
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