Windows 8 Probs


Dalayan Beginner
So I got a new computer that has Windows 8. I installed everything and it ran fine for a while. After a couple of days, the patcher started saying that it could not connect with SoD server, but I was still able to play until a new patch. After patch, I started getting an EQ dll error. I had the tech support guy where I work check the situation out and he said the checksums between patcher and server weren't matching up and something was corrupted. I deleted everything and tried to do a fresh install but I still get the same problem. I have told Windows 8 to allow SoD site, app usage, not sure what else to give permission for. I am ready to have a friend reformat the damn thing with Vista or Windows 7 so I can play on this computer. Anybody have any suggestions (step by step if possible, I am not that savvy) before I have my friend wipe my drive and reformat?

I have sort of "fixed" this problem, at least SoD seems to run fine now. I noticed that everything went to hell after Windows 8 did an auto update. I first tried uninstalling all the updates, which gave me frequent BSoD s. I then reset the PC to factory settings and turned updates off and things seem ok. I hope this is a permanent fix.
I'm glad you've got it working. I really don't have any clue what to tell about this, but figured I'd mention this since completely turning off windows updates is pretty risky. Either way, best of luck. Hopefully someone who knows more about things will be able to offer you a better suggestion eventually!
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