Windigo012 new to dalaya


Dalayan Beginner
Hi guyz i'm kinda new to this so i just wanted to say hi this server is great it take i little configuring but plenty worth it props to sites and servers admins thanks for the great playing time i finished the dream and just spawned to town so if anyone knows a good quest to start or somthing it would be apreashiated also i have no sound is this normal being my first time i have no clue thanks 4 listining and any help given
WinDigO012 :dance:
Youre sound might be turned off, check it in your options menu before you go to the login screen, then check it again in your in-game options menu (Alt+O) if thats not the problem, and welcome to Dalaya. : )
lol ya it was unchecked i just noticed after i posted this forum thankyou so mutch tho i like when ppl help me out
welcome to the world of SoD. glade you got your problem fixed. see you out there hason the warrior :dance:
Welcome to SoD =) Glad you got your sound thing figured out. There's a lot there to tweak if you look through it. But it shouldn't take long to find a layout you like.
Welcome! You'll like it here. And yeah, the way the client was set up from that company...I'm not sure why they would have sound unchecked by default. I figured I was one of the only people that leave the game sound off. Welcome again. See you in game.
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