Win7 says: Wanna switch windows? Then play SoD without a keyboard!


Dalayan Beginner
Hi guys, I've been having issues with making my keyboard work with SoD. Sometimes when I switch windows to check the wiki and then switch back to SoD, the game ignores all keyboard inputs. Nothing gets it to work again short of just closing the entire game and trying again.

I've tried:

- Alt-tabbing repeatedly
- pressing Alt repeatedly
- holding and releasing alt
- playing around with the windows key
- using ctrl+alt+del to switch windows
- unplugging/replugging the keyboard
- closing all windows except SoD

Nothing works. Any ideas?
Hi guys, I've been having issues with making my keyboard work with SoD. Sometimes when I switch windows to check the wiki and then switch back to SoD, the game ignores all keyboard inputs. Nothing gets it to work again short of just closing the entire game and trying again.

I've tried:

- Alt-tabbing repeatedly
- pressing Alt repeatedly
- holding and releasing alt
- playing around with the windows key
- using ctrl+alt+del to switch windows
- unplugging/replugging the keyboard
- closing all windows except SoD

Nothing works. Any ideas?

Not a Win7 issue, it's known as the Keyboard Bug and happens on winxp/vista too. There's a fix but I forget what it is sorry pal!
On the rare occasion mine has seemed to lock up bad, ctrl+alt+delete to the task manager and back to the game seems to work for me.
I used to get this all the time. I have has this happen exactly 0 times since I stopped using ALT+TAB

If I remember correctly, this has to do with the ALT key and eqw (???). If you aren't using EQW, start! You'll want to change eqw's default mouse release and window switch behavior away from it's ALT + {key} behavior and stop using alt + tab to switch between windows.

I set my "switch EQ window" button to "\" (above the ENTER key) and the "release mouse so I can do stuff outside of EQ" button to "~" (below the ESC key)
I used to get this all the time. I have has this happen exactly 0 times since I stopped using ALT+TAB

If I remember correctly, this has to do with the ALT key and eqw (???). If you aren't using EQW, start! You'll want to change eqw's default mouse release and window switch behavior away from it's ALT + {key} behavior and stop using alt + tab to switch between windows.

I set my "switch EQ window" button to "\" (above the ENTER key) and the "release mouse so I can do stuff outside of EQ" button to "~" (below the ESC key)

Thanks for the replies. I tried binding a key to "release mouse" but it doesn't work. Also, a lot of keyboard keys are completely ignored such as `, ', ", ;, :, and numberous others. It forces me to speak in broken english ingame and is annoying in and of itself, but I think it's part of the bigger problem.

I also don't have a "switch EQ window" button at all, and I have no idea what EQW is but at the top of the window it says EQW 2.35 BETA or something if that helps.

Oh I had to do it in the .ini file! Yes, everything works perfectly now! Thank you
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Looks like you got it resolved. This might be useful for someone still:

Temporary fix:

I am using Windows 7, and I frequently get the keyboard bug. However, I found a temporary fix that will make the keyboard work until you alt + tab again.

1. Hover your mouse over the game picture next to your start bar. Two mini windows should pop up, one for each of your game clients.

2. Right click on the mini picture of the client that has the keyboard bug.

3. Hit enter. (Sometimes this might close your window I have found but rarely)

4. Click back onto the bigger game client window that should now be up. You should now be able to use your keyboard until you alt + tab again

I found this useful if I was in a situation where it wasn't convenient to relog. I don't know much about computers, but hopefully this will provide some insight as to what is causing the keyboard to stop working.
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