Win XP x86 Vs. Win 7 x64 - 2 boxing


Dalayan Elder
Been boxing on XP 32-bit for a couple of years. Experienced the occasional KB bug, dual cursor, etc, but nothing to really write home about. But I've had a large chunk of RAM for several years that has never been addressed, and a part of my soul has been screaming at me to do something about it.

So I got a new SATA drive (XP boot drive was an IDE, felt like if I was gonna go 7, ill get off of the old IDE) and threw Win 7 x64 Ultimate on it. I remember reading somewhere on here that there are a few troubles doing a raw install of EQ on 7, but if you just copy your old install folder over to your new, it works fine.

In single instances it works absolutely fine. Better even. The newer textures actually look better, and I get more FPS. When boxing it still looks fine, but I have noticed a lag between switching clients. It bugs out more often. Enough to be troublesome. I already work with the EQSwitch in eqw.ini set to "`". But I still alt-tab at times when things get rough, force of habit.

Just seems to be a bit more trouble in 7 than it was in XP. Anyone else experience this? Questions, comments, suggestions all welcome.
No real problems with game on a fresh Win 7 64 Pro install apart from the occasional instance where you click on something and find the game window fades and you are on desktop.

Have had quite a few problems with Vent largely solved with running in admin mode.

Have problem with text size and readability probably because running on wide screen monitor so text is bigger than space it fits in and gets clipped, anybody else have this?

Finally get randomly dsconnected from internet because I lose router address but prob not from game.
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