Wildkin Bracer problem.


Dalayan Beginner
Here is what happend, I had all the items needed ie: bone chips, solvent, spider tarsus, white rabbit hide, and rabbit sinew, but I forgot about putting the spider tarsus in the combine bag.
So I got the these items will not combine message. I then went to the quest giver went through the question and answer session again to see what was missing.
I found the missing item (spider tarsus) and received the message duplicate lore items not allowed.
Then ran to the bank and grabbed a spider tarsus, then when I went to put the tarsus in the combine bag I noticed my rabbit hide and sinew were missing. I then ran back out and killed another bunny, it had both items looted same. When I went to put them in the combine bag they weren't in my inventory.

It seems My character is still flaged as having those items, but are invisable. What do I do? ;(
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