Wierd Problem with EQW


Dalayan Beginner
ok so my games runs fine and i can dual box. My only problem is that when i enable eqw it makes the game full screen and i can't actually click on anything. When eqw is disabled the game runs in windows but i am locked into window unless i alt tab to get to either the second client or to browser/desktop. is there a way to run in a window but not be locked in?

I am assuming its running windowed because windows 7 saw it at a certain resolution and windowed it but i am locked into the window because it's acting like a full screen with borders?
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if you open your eqw folder, there's a text file for the eqw configuration settings and it probably looks something like this:
ReleaseMouse=Ctrl Alt 
ReloadIni=Ctrl Alt I
EQWSwitch=Ctrl Shift

ReleaseMouse will unlock the mouse from the game window for you while running eqw, and lock it back in if you have the window selected. You can edit the keys to whatever you want, instead of the unwieldy default something+something+r. Helpful and kind of related EQWSwitch is handy because it will switch to your other eqw window regardless of how many other windows you have open between in the taskbar, and queues them next to each other when you alt+tab.
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eqw doesn't actually work though. instead of putting itself in window it full screens itself and makes the eula unclickable. have not seen any other posts with that problem. the eqw test file looks liek this

ReleaseMouse=Ctrl Alt Z
ReloadIni=Ctrl Alt I
EQWSwitch=Ctrl Alt S
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