Why are my windows so small in EQW?

white bishop

Dalayan Beginner
Ok, I hate to post on the tech forum for something this stupid but-

I installed SOD on a recently reformatted box and had to re-do everything. Everything works now except when I start the game in windowed mode the windows are way smaller than they should be.

Before the reformat the windows were pretty much the size of my monitor, and all you could see of the desktop was the taskbar at the bottom. Now the windows are much smaller in the center of my desktop, and I can see my various desktop icons, etc.

I've tried dragging the corners of the windows to make them bigger and I've looked for an option to make the windows full screen size, but nada.

Obviously I'm just missing something here, and I am hoping some kind soul can show me the error of my ways...:confused:
Yep, that was it exactly. Just went in to change my options while I waited for a reply to this thread and realized it was defaulting to a super low rez and making my windows tiny- thanks!
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