Which expansions for Winter's Roar?


Dalayan Beginner
I followed these instructions after trying a fresh install. I actually had EQ sitting on my computer for over a year :roll: .

Which expansions is this refering to?

If you have them available, install the later expansions up to Lost Dungeons of Norrath. (Optional, but advised

Original EQ

I can't remember if Planes of power was before LDoN but I belive I have all the disc. I remember downloading the remaining ones: The expansions off of Erudin and Surefall. Thats it. I never got the Omens of War.

Damn, I can't remember their names.
Thanks. Reinstalling again: EQ1, RoK, SoV, SoL, PoP, and LDoN. I was planing on just patching straight to live and downloading to LDoN but it keeps giving me errors to their patch server.

edit: Norton antivirus was the problem.

Last question, Should I download Legacy of Yeksha? That was before LDoN I belive.
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