Where Can I Download Everquest and Expansion Packs? Please help...
I ineque Dalayan Beginner Nov 27, 2004 #1 Where Can I Download Everquest and Expansion Packs? Please help...
B Bernat_ Guest Nov 28, 2004 #3 You can download EQ Trilogy from here, but expect a 1'3GB download...
F Foonie Staff Emeritus Nov 28, 2004 #4 Everyone knows of that link, we don't give it out because we're not looking for more attention from Sony than absolutely necessary.
Everyone knows of that link, we don't give it out because we're not looking for more attention from Sony than absolutely necessary.
B Bernat_ Guest Nov 28, 2004 #5 Ok, sorry, I just found it recently and tried to be helpful... Next time I'll send a PM if I get my comp to remember my username...
Ok, sorry, I just found it recently and tried to be helpful... Next time I'll send a PM if I get my comp to remember my username...