When I die, the game freezes


Dalayan Beginner
I tried defragging, restarting, etc., but when I die, it says I'm returning to my home city I think, then a white square appears in the chat thing, then a red one, and then it just freezes and never loads. Every time I die, I have to either press the Windows key, log off to force the program to close, and then log back on (if the game's in windowed mode when I die), or turn off the computer (if the game's in fullscreen when I die).

I can travel between regular zones basically fine (just a load time of about 10-13 seconds), but the game freezes whenever I die. Is there anything that can be done about this?
Where are you bound? Have you tried /cm bind in a new zone to see if that resolves the issue?
Well, I tried binding myself in Grobb since I didn't actually know about the bind thing (though I think I might've already been bound there) and it still froze.

What happens is, like, after the chat window says "you died", it'll usually post a white square, then a red square, then freeze, though the last few times it just does a red square and then freezes.

Also yeah I'm Vusik, but I forgot my password and had to request a new one, and this new username comes with it I guess.
Try deleting your grobb map files and repatch all. There is an issue with zoning there with map open or invisible that can crash you, especially with certain map files. This should resolve the issue.
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I just tried deleting all the grobb files, and repatching all, but they're not coming back.
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