what CDs do i need?

None at all really; you can patch the whole thing. See this thread.

Missing your install disks?

If you have EQ, RoK, SoV, SoL, and/or PoP (did I forget any?) you can install those and not have to patch them. I believe you should patch everything up to and including LDoN for maximum effect.

Sorry to say, you need the CD's to play SoD. Its a bannable offense to download the game for free from EQ site if you don't have them to play on SoD (or last I heard it was).

But Guiardo is correct, you should use all the CD's from the original EQ up to LDON and then patch to live (patching only those disks you have) and getting all the necessary files to play SoD properly.
Why would it be a bannable offense? The everquest site allows you to download Everquest: Trilogy for free of charge....
Think about it George, this server exists in a legaly ambiguous area. It's already survived one closure. This rule, which is hard to enforce, sends out the message, that though the server exists in that ambiguous area, at least it's leaning towards the side of legal versus, "Before you play on our server, stick it to the company that legaly owns this game by downloading it from w-w-w.illegalwares.tk.ru.cn." This server would be down sooner than later if Sony ever caught wind of us promoting the latter or even perhaps abusing their system, i.e. the free download.

My $.02
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