Hello everyone. I am excited about joining your community and have a question to ask while I set up and patch my EQ files.
I have used the name Criimson in pretty much every MMoRPG and Single Player RPG over the years. The name has become a part of my role-playing persona and I am wondering if it violates your naming policy. I would like to use it, but joining a good community of gamers is what I am looking to do, so am open to the idea of recreating my digital self.
Thank you for giving me a new place to call "home",
<insert possible new name here>

Some of my Incarnations in the Multi-Verse:
Criimson (AQ www.battleon.com)
Criimson (AO www.anarchy-online.com)
Criimson (EQ)
I have lived in other worlds, but have no way to link those lives here.
I have used the name Criimson in pretty much every MMoRPG and Single Player RPG over the years. The name has become a part of my role-playing persona and I am wondering if it violates your naming policy. I would like to use it, but joining a good community of gamers is what I am looking to do, so am open to the idea of recreating my digital self.
Thank you for giving me a new place to call "home",
<insert possible new name here>
Some of my Incarnations in the Multi-Verse:
Criimson (AQ www.battleon.com)
Criimson (AO www.anarchy-online.com)
Criimson (EQ)
I have lived in other worlds, but have no way to link those lives here.