Well met


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone. I am excited about joining your community and have a question to ask while I set up and patch my EQ files.

I have used the name Criimson in pretty much every MMoRPG and Single Player RPG over the years. The name has become a part of my role-playing persona and I am wondering if it violates your naming policy. I would like to use it, but joining a good community of gamers is what I am looking to do, so am open to the idea of recreating my digital self.

Thank you for giving me a new place to call "home",
<insert possible new name here>

Some of my Incarnations in the Multi-Verse:

Criimson (AQ www.battleon.com)


Criimson (AO www.anarchy-online.com)


Criimson (EQ)


I have lived in other worlds, but have no way to link those lives here.
Welcome to the server. I hope you enjoy the game (I'd give you my opinion on the name you mentioned, but I tend to be the lenient GM when it comes to how I interpret the naming policy. So, I'll leave that to another GM to answer). :)
Well all, I just want to say "Thank you"

I logged in and played a bit today and had a blast. I have long pined for the days of my early EQ career when everything was fresh and I seem to have found the place where that is the case.

I did name my character Criimson (as no one gave a definate answer), but if ya have to change it..rename me "Tyl" please; that has always been an alternate of mine. I am once again playing a dark elf necro, cause I so love that class (pet's and Dark Elves are a fetish of mine in MMoRPGs it seems).

I do have one question (technical in nature so feel free to move this post to the tech help section if neccessary).
I live in an old (circa 1909) building in downtown Seattle that is made of solid brick. My wireless connection (providied free of charge through the City as a way of getting people to go to parks and such) is really fast (read 150kbs/sec downloading average), but disconnects all of the time because of the brick walls. (So until I buy my new netwark adapter some time next week, I won't be able to group.)
Now what I am wondering is about the seemingly sluggish way I run sometimes. Is it server lag or is it my connection? I remember beta testing AC (yes I was Criimson there too :roll: ) and the same thing happened during laggy points (ie populated areas or server congestion).

Not that it is important, I love what I have seen and will be around for a long while regardless.

Thank you,
Welcome to SoD :) I wouldn't worry about your connection issues yet, we've all had some serious lag lately and you probably noticed them working on that. See how things are when you're adapter comes in :)

Dark Elves were a thing of mine too, but usually fo mating =P~ Untill I met an Iksar here that changed my perceptions of the scales /grin.

I love Seattle :) Juneau here, lol you're pretty much the door to America for us <3
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