Hi all,
I want to say hello and thank you to the newplayer guild for their help and support.
I'm new to "the game" and SoD both, and I was having trouble getting started last night after leaving The Dream. Within seconds of asking for /gu help I had multiple people responding with spot-on advice and assistance. Special kudos to Onele, who list-mailed me a couple of newbie items so that I could kill a bat without dying (lol)!
I heard about SoD from a friend at work who has been playing "the game" for years (but he's not on SoD). I have never played any other MMO's, and I think this one is going to keep *me* busy for years too!
Definitely hooked now and will soon become a paying subscriber.
- Pelucidar, Level 2 High Elf Wizard
I want to say hello and thank you to the newplayer guild for their help and support.
I'm new to "the game" and SoD both, and I was having trouble getting started last night after leaving The Dream. Within seconds of asking for /gu help I had multiple people responding with spot-on advice and assistance. Special kudos to Onele, who list-mailed me a couple of newbie items so that I could kill a bat without dying (lol)!
I heard about SoD from a friend at work who has been playing "the game" for years (but he's not on SoD). I have never played any other MMO's, and I think this one is going to keep *me* busy for years too!
Definitely hooked now and will soon become a paying subscriber.
- Pelucidar, Level 2 High Elf Wizard