Weird PL type thing


Dalayan Adventurer
since the packet loss fixes fix... i been getting weird lag spikes /packet loss type things. its really odd because i cant cast spells or when i do they dont recover like PL. however i can watch my HP go down or other tanks. i can zone out of zones. (but then i crash sometimes) i can change targets... turn auto attack off and on... when things die it show's them dead. however even when my HP goes down noticebly while this happening the monsters dont... even tho it shows me swinging and says im hitting them. my Packet Bar or w/e u call that doesnt tweak out like in PL... anyone else have any probs like this?
oh and i can still use AA's and get message that they work.. EX: the paladin Gheal aa makes my health go back up
This has always been a problem with people who have 4 character names for some reason. Aomi has the same problem and has since before the PL changes, it's an unrelated issue and no work around for it at this time.
This has always been a problem with people who have 4 character names for some reason.

is that a username joke for my 1234 lol? i got a few that i a. dont remeber the password or b. arent activated for some reason and cant figure it out how to reactivate them.

anyways well im glad to know that im not the only one having this sort of issue ill look forward to the day someone figures it out.
Wasn't a joke, was quite serious. I usually start to see it happen on Aomi when I go in to fire elemental form. I never bothered to figure out why it happens though.
Does it happen wheb your boxxing? If so, both toons or just one have the issue. Ill try not using fire ele to see if that helps me
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