Warrior Taunting Best Practice


Dalayan Beginner
My (limited) knowledge of warriors from Live tells me that they spammed taunt whenever it was available in an effort to maximize their accumulated aggro on a MOB.

I just read in some threads and the Wiki that a successful taunt will make the warriors aggro equal to that of the aggro of the person who has done the most damage to the mob + 1. First off, is this accurate? If it is accurate, is it more effective to save taunt in case the mob turns away from you? If it is not accurate, how does taunt actually work (is it just a fixed +hate?)?

Questions....questions that need answering...
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Taunt: Put you at (Max Agro's agro #) + 1.
This is also how it worked on live.

Only use when its not beating on you.
Agreed... i See a lot of tanks spamming Taunt to keep aggro... NO !

It's not used to keep aggro, it actually craps your aggro if you are very high on the list, like Arcen said...

it's really a tool to RE-AGGRO the mob... if i'm wrong, then forgive me but that's how i understanded it from the start...!
Agreed... i See a lot of tanks spamming Taunt to keep aggro... NO !

It's not used to keep aggro, it actually craps your aggro if you are very high on the list, like Arcen said...

It doesn't hurt your agro at all to spam taunt. It takes the highest on the agro list and +1 so if your the highest it adds one to you. Not adding one to the highest on the agro list that isn't you.

Ex: your at 500, second place is 400: you hit taunt. you now have 501 agro not 401

I have also found from experience that generally I never lose agro when I always spawn taunt/kick/disarm (single target). The odds of this randomly working in my favor every time is unlikely. So I would recommend just spamming it.
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It doesn't harm to spam taunt, but its more effective if you wait until you lose aggro - hits are going to generate a lot more aggro than +1 from taunt.
When your training it, I would spam it just to level it up. Fairly safe to do it on single targets. Cause when it counts, you need it to work, so lvl it up.
The only problem with spamming taunt is that taunt may not be ready at the moment you lose aggro if you've just mashed it down. Otherwise, mashing buttons like a monkey on meth is fun at least.
I have also found from experience that generally I never lose agro when I always spawn taunt/kick/disarm (single target). The odds of this randomly working in my favor every time is unlikely. So I would recommend just spamming it.

This is how all the cool warriors do it.
Spamming or not spamming taunt...
I have noticed that it really depends on the mobs your fighting if you are going to spam taunt or not...
For the most part though you can spam it all you want but it's also a good idea to save taunt sometimes like on mobs that may stun you alot that way you have something to peel it off one of your dps if you get stunned for example....

Moderately adequate warrior of Ethereal
I have also found from experience that generally I never lose agro when I always spawn taunt/kick/disarm (single target). The odds of this randomly working in my favor every time is unlikely. So I would recommend just spamming it.

Can't really draw that conclusion unless you've tried spamming kick/disarm and seeing if you notice any change in aggro. This is what I do, and find I rarely lose aggro as well. This way, Taunt is up if it should switch to someone else.
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