Warrior Starfall - Obsidian Slabs


Dalayan Beginner
I have been killing Gargoyles in OSM for a couple days now trying to get my 2 obsidian slabs for the Razor, and despite wiping through all the Gargoyles more times than I can remember, I've never had a single slab drop. I've seen piles of everything else they drop while camping them. Has this drop been moved or is it currently broken? I remember killing these mobs with an older toon and the slabs dropped often. I've probably killed the whole group about 20 times now and haven't seen a slab yet. Any thoughts? Thanks~
I did that one with my warrior, and it took me ~5-6 hours of straight camping before I got both. That was about 8 months ago. Keep plugging, they drop. I was there just yesterday with my SK killing them waiting for HG to respawn and one dropped, so it's not like they don't drop anymore.
Wow 5-6 hours?? I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know. I was going through them a few waves at a time. Guess I didn't spend enough time in one sitting. 5-6 hours seems a bit excessive, but thanks for letting me know you did see one! I'll just keep on it.
Haha this is funny b/c today I killed a gargoyle for my Rng Starfall quest and a Slab dropped the first kill...also I've killed my brownie mob 5 times and had absolutely nothing drop except a great staff each time. Not my quest item or the one for the caster quest. There is no excuse to have a 30 min respawn time on a quest mob that doesn't drop its quest item ever....
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