Warrior Starfall Boots


Dalayan Beginner
I am working on the warrior starfall Boots of Spite and I am trying to get the plate boots from the "a dredged corpse" in goblinskull. I see it on tracking with my druid ( at the bottom of the list) and it takes me straight to the anchored ship in the NW part of the zone. The only problem is, the ship is crewed with a bunch of silver crown soldiers that are all ready to attack ( I am not KOS with Silver Crown) and one of them summons from a really far distance (red con to 60) and instantly kills my characters. They also see invis.

This makes killing this dredged corpse impossible for anything but a group of decked out 65's, which obviously isn't the intended level of the starfall quests.

Any feedback/input/hints appreciated.

The dredged corpse is not on the ship, it's beneath it.

If I understand correctly, the issue he is having is not locating the mob, but actually getting to it.

Before my Necromancer was on BS faction he got summoned to the ship while he was killing the giant skeletons for his thurg piece (a far distance away). I don't think this is intended and it has not been addressed in any of the patches since it happened to me (month or two ago?), unless it was a stealth patch.

Have you tried any sort of invis before getting near the ship? Maybe once you are underneath the ship and engage you will have better luck and not get summoned.
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They see through invis. I suspect the huge aggro/instant summoning was intended to make sure you couldn't have your raid on the beach and split and pull the SC folks to kill them piece-wise. However, they don't seem to despawn for a very long time after someone fails the event, which I suspect was not intended.
Addressing multiple points:

1) They see invis
2) They summon from farther than corpse drag or casting distance (my druid can not rez or summon the corpse of my warrior from outside of aggro distance)
3) I didn't know that they were part of an event, that would make more sense as to the reason that they are there. I agree that they should despawn soon after the event has been idle though.

Thanks for the input all.
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