Voice of Enthann bugged?


Dalayan Beginner
The Voice of Enthann appears to be the only voice on the island who does not first give you the option of finding out what allignment the dietry desires berfore you swear to him. Is this by design or a flaw?
The Voice of Enthann appears to be the only voice on the island who does not first give you the option of finding out what allignment the dietry desires berfore you swear to him. Is this by design or a flaw?

Holy shit, having been a victim of this dude and his deceptive dialogue like over 2 years ago I can totally echo his concern about this, everyone else is all
[d1] Tell me about your god
and then suddenly
[d1] Ok im hype lets do it fuck yeah(enthann)
instead and it leads to total tragedies.

I really wish this could be changed or maybe make a more foolproof way of flagging like handing them an item you get from the initial speaker or something less oh shit your in the marines now.
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Or maybe you could take 5 minutes of your time, and look at the deity list and their alignments on the wiki, before you screw up such a vital choice for your toon?
Or maybe you could take 5 minutes of your time, and look at the deity list and their alignments on the wiki, before you screw up such a vital choice for your toon?

You know that one of the first quest logs you get is telling you to go to sea of swords to do this flagging and some people may be foolish enough to think its a good idea especially some people who don't know of the wiki or don't think it should be necessary to read up on quests because they don't expect one option dialoque out of the whole bunch to permanently screw your character over. Gotta be super cautious right??

I was caught being dumb at 2 am when I ran to flag half asleep to gradalsh but I wanted to see all the dialogue options out of curiosity and wasn't expecting one of them to have a radically different change after every other npc gave me the same quest lines, ending up with automatically pushing d1 owning myself.

Either way your post is atrocious. Some people do not want to play this game by spoiling content ahead of time and telling a guy what essentially sums up as "read the wiki" when he posts what he feels is a serious oversight is really disgusting.
You know that one of the first quest logs you get is telling you to go to
Either way your post is atrocious. Some people do not want to play this game by spoiling content ahead of time and telling a guy what essentially sums up as "read the wiki" when he posts what he feels is a serious oversight is really disgusting.

I agree with you, just because you can go on the Wiki and read spoilers for all of the quests doesnt mean you HAVE to. I have to admit I was VERY put off when after petitioning about this as a bug in game that I was told 1: I should be more careful before willy nilly hitting /cm d1 and 2: it was implied that if I had just read the Wiki I would know of the allignment requirements of all of the choices before hand so there would have been no reason to accidently swear to the wrong one.

What makes me even more angry is my wife blames me for it because it was on her toon! So now I have to figure out how to change her N/N Barbarian Shaman to C/N!

But my main point of the post was to bring this to the attention of the Devs that this voice is BUGGED and it needs to be addressed.
A quest NPC gave you clear dialogue, and you made a dialogue response choice. I'm sorry that you regret the choice you made.

Thank you, GM-Rari, for handling his petition properly.
Wow Otcho, get over yourself. Butthurt much? Did your mommy not love you enough? Go upstairs and ask her, we can wait. *rolls eyes*

Listen, I am really sorry that you decided to not read the text lines that were given, or use an available resource such as the wiki. Aside for my above comment, I wasn't trying to be snide or mean. The god choice thing can be very monumental, or completely inconsequential. The augment quest will give you alignment hits to align you more with the deity's chosen alignment anyways. And I don't consider looking on the wiki for the alignments of the various gods a spoiler of any sort, anyways. And if it really, really annoys you, I guess you could go pariah, and therefore not have to worry about alignment at all.

Besides there is far more to the wiki than quest spoilers. For instance, you saw really cool item X being auctioned, but didn't want to pay the price. A quick wiki search could tell you what mob drops it, and in what zone. Therefore, telling you whether you are capable of just going and getting it.
A quest NPC gave you clear dialogue, and you made a dialogue response choice. I'm sorry that you regret the choice you made.

Thank you, GM-Rari, for handling his petition properly.

I totally understand why Rari answered the way they did to the accidental swearing to the diety. However it seems that a little more investigation could have been made into whether or not the NPC was bugged. Which was my reason for posting the issue in this forum.

As for allignment quests yes I plan on having her go through at least the first one because from talking with the NPC it seems to be pretty simple.
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