Vingrin's Wand of Animation & Barbtail


Dalayan Adventurer
I recently started this quest with a friend, as we decided to do this quest together. We had little problems getting the Clockwork Brain and almost none getting the eyestalks. The problem seems to be barbtail. To the point I think it may be broken. I camped him for 12 hours one day, non stop. The next day I logged in to camp him again for a while to find someone else there. We started talking, and apparently he camped him for 6 hours on and off, and then 6 hours non stop.
What exactly is his timer if he is not broken?
If on the off chance that he is not broken I have to say that I am disappointed in this quest. I understand the need to make quests difficult, but in my opinion this has gone past difficult to being annoying.
Thank you in advance for either the information, or looking at this to see if it is in fact broken.
Ive done that quest 3 times and honestly is just not worth the camp. Ive only done it cause Ive happened to zone into wyverfang and checked track and he was up.

Its just way easier to pay 300pp and buy piece from someone who got it that way. In the time you would have camped him you get more than 300 pp farming plat.
Do you have any idea what the spawn timer is? Is it really more then 12 hours?
As I said, I am rather convinced this spawn is broken. I cannot think of a logical reason to set a spawn timer so high personally. All it does is frustrate people (Like myself for example.)
Mind you, I am not a game developer, so setting a spawn timer that high MAY make sence.. I just can't personally make sence of it.
I have done the quest at least 3 times as well. I don't believe it is on a timer but it has a place holder wyvern. I just went to the side where the adept is and keep killing the wyverns. About a month ago when I did the quest it spawned for me on the second clearing.
Good luck to you.
The adept? What adept? I heard he spawned around the rock closest to the Faentharc Woods. Please don't tell me I have been hunting the wrong spot.. I would cry I think..
Is "On top" of the mountain not the correct spot?
Your killing in the right spot. His place holder is one of the roamers that walks near that rock.
With a spawn timer more then 12 hours?! If I am truly hunting (Or was) the right spot then once again I ask.. Is this spawn broken?
<GM>The spawn is working just fine.</GM>

<Player>Way back when I did this quest on Tyrsell, I got lucky, and got 2 pops in a row. Spawn cycles are funny things, and I would personally clear every wyvern in the zone. That'd be my suggestion.</Player>
Yeah I had a buddy get my drop for me. Easier to buy it. But if you don't have the plat you just need to /hug the RNG and hope for the best.
Perhaps I am the minority but after waiting that long for a spawn I am just WAY to frustrated to consider continuing this quest the "hunting" way.
As some constructive criticism, perhaps setting him to spawn more often would be an idea. I personally play to have fun, and camping 1 spot for over 12 hours is not fun, at least not to me. I personally don't mind the "run around" quests where you need to collect a bunch of things, or see a bunch of people. At least there is variety, and I actually feel like I am making progress. I would like to see some quests like that, if there are none already.
Just my humble opinion.
p.s. thank you checking the spawn for me. At least now I know for sure.
You are not "waiting" for a spawn. The hunting way IS the only way. Not all spawns work the same. Some bosses are on a set timer, others are random and need to be spawned via killing placeholders.
You are missing the basic premise here. He does not spawn every X hours, he has a chance to spawn in the place of one of the other wyverns.

A length of time is no indication of whether or not you should have seen the mob, you could sit there for a million years and never see it if you aren't clearing the wyverns.
Hmmm.. Yes, I did kinda think of that. Cause I do know some of the places I do hunt for stuff sometimes the PH spawns, and other times I get the names twice in a row. Doesn't make sence they would be on a "timer" Perhaps will this new information I may try. Could some people that recall doing this quest post the approximate times they waited for barbtail to spawn? Just so I have a global idea.
Honestly I was just killing the ones around the rock, as thats what the Wikki said.. PH is one of the wyverns that roam around the rock. Hmm.. defiantly something to think about. Thanks all.
Hmmm.. Yes, I did kinda think of that. Cause I do know some of the places I do hunt for stuff sometimes the PH spawns, and other times I get the names twice in a row. Doesn't make sence they would be on a "timer" Perhaps will this new information I may try. Could some people that recall doing this quest post the approximate times they waited for barbtail to spawn? Just so I have a global idea.
Honestly I was just killing the ones around the rock, as thats what the Wikki said.. PH is one of the wyverns that roam around the rock. Hmm.. defiantly something to think about. Thanks all.

0 minutes to 5 hours when I have done it. That means he is already spawned or takes 10-15 clears.
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