Video issue


Dalayan Beginner
This afternoon I ran into a video problem while trying to log in. I was on this morning, so it's something new. I haven't changed any settings on my computer, changed drivers, or anything like that.

When I open the program, after having used the new overwrite, I get no text in the login process (EULA, menu, login, and server select screens). It's just empty boxes. Then the character select screen is all borked... it's a mostly black screen with a couple of splotches of color. If I hit enter to go into the game from there, it's essentially the same thing. Just some random colors.

Anyone else experiencing this problem? Anyone know a fix? I tried going back to the older to see if that would take care of it, but it made no difference.

Thanks in advance.
The first two looks like a corrupt eqstr or eq_str file. I've never seen the last two happen. Have you tried updating your Direct X and your video drivers?
It might also be UI related. I had a problem with my UI not letting the 'character select screen' load properly and it was a bunch of black blocks and other funky stuff. Make sure you are using the 'default' UI when you first start up.
Thanks for the replies... it seems to have been just something temporarily jacked up with my computer. I restarted and it suddenly worked fine. Go figure.
sounds more like issues with loading the graphics from the harddrive to the Ram.. (either RAM or maybe video ram).. either way, if there is trouble or more likely LAGGGG when tring to load the graphic files.. weird things can happen..

Rebooting the computer would have cleared out yoru page file and the ram for your computer and video card.. check to make sure you don't need to defrag. A badly fragmented harddrive can cause a lot of problems loading data. Most likely.. you'll find a lot of red when you check it. GL..

Grawill / Jekur
Officer of Venerate..
I've been having this problem too since SoD came back up (all i changed differently was repatched to live then put on)


Symptoms also include the char select and login screens being broken similar to above.

Any suggestions? I have updated my video drivers (9600pro) since SoD came back
Looks like it may be an eq client problem. I think I'd try deleting some stuff then re-downloading it from live servers. I'll try to remember what to delete, as it happened to me on live many years ago.
I have had several repeats of this problem, and each time have been able to fix it by restarting (had to restart twice, once). My HD is definitely not fragmented--defragged it just a couple days before the server came back up.

I have been having other computer problems, but they seem entirely unrelated, and don't affect the video on any other games. My computer restarts itself seemingly at random. Sometimes it'll happen 3 times in the space of 30 minutes, then it won't happen for 18 hours. It's not my video card or power supply (replaced both recently, and had the same problem before and after), and I doubt it's my RAM--I've tried taking out both sticks individually, and it still happens. The processor isn't overheating (temp doesn't get above 110ºF), though I suppose it might be some kind of physical defect in it. My best guess, though, is that something is going bad on the mainboard, a Biostar M7VIB. Most of the stuff in my system is over 3 years old now, but none of the rest of it seems to be having any problems.

A reformat didn't help, either.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas of what it might be, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I built the computer, and know a decent amount about hardware, but I don't have the extra parts to do much testing or the experience to be able to diagnose it otherwise.
you replaced PS but what is wattage? some newer systems (depending on what you have in it) requre a GOOD PS that can do 450 watts+ or a generic PS at maybe 500+ i know my machine has a "brownout" with anything less than a High Quality 550 watt, but i have lots of useless crap in it like LED's for who knows what reason's shiny heh
110ºF Is a little on the hot side for a preocessor, it the CPU heatsink fan spinning properly? also even though you replaced your video card, did you upgrade the drivers from the main manufacture's web site? Also what version of DX are you running? You might want to upgrade to the latest DX version from Microsoft just to make sure.

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