Video Contest Submissions (Winners added!)


Staff member
Although there is still a few hours left for submissions here are the current entries into the video contest!

The first two are truly promotional in nature while the second two are more fun SoD raid videos.


Slaariel presents: A Day in the life as a Dalayan Magician.

Azeron presents: Shards of Dalaya

Ryst presents: Ruin

Ochah presents: SoD Raiding


Azeron with the title!

Slaarial with 600 fame (100 added to second place for a damned close running.)!

Ryst with 200 fame!

Ochah with 50 fame!

If anymore come in by the deadline tonight I will also post them here. Staff is currently voting on the order of the winners! Great job all around!
The first three were very creative. I like the tutorial idea of Azeron best probably, since I think the videos are supposed to be used to attract new people.
Generally, video footage of EQ/SoD is VERY VERY VERY boring. Its hard to make a video that really sticks out and grabs your attention. Uber Lootz mob 456 shares the same animation/graphics as noob exp mob 123 and the PCs always look the same no matter the situation. The fourth video, with the lame ass Metallica song, totally proves this (sorry video creator dude).

Clearly, the best video of the four is Slaariel's. I've never seen an EQ video with that much creativity. I'm kind of overwhelmed thinking about how much time he put into it. BUT, under the guidelines of the contest, Azeron might be the winner. His video is the best advertisement for a new player drive. The Ruin video was also creative and I was very impressed with the synchronization of the mobs falling down to the nu metal song.

Great submissions, I'm quite entertained and impressed!!!
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Should collaborate on combining Slaariel and Azeron's. Although amusing, the intro to Slaariel's was not really thrilling as an advertisement for the server.
Although Slaariel's video may not be as "promotional" in the body of the video, it really makes you wanna play the freakin game. I feel like I'm watching the trailer to some new badass MMO. It's really inspiring. The others are good but not as exciting.
They are all really good and Ryst's especially makes me nostalgic for the days when Ruin was active. Great job all around I think you all deserve a title! :toot:
I want to play the game Slaariel's playing

but Azeron's probably wins
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Slaariel's was definitely the most entertaining but what I really want to know is how does Azeron have the new skeleton models in Freeport/new drake model/new water effects because damn I needs that
Clearly, the best video of the four is Slaariel's.

Dang it. That one happens to require flash 9. Install flash 9 and introduce more DRM.

Dang you Slaariel, DANG you! Now I have to decide whether watching your video is worth installing extra drm goodness.
Slaariel's was definitely the most entertaining but what I really want to know is how does Azeron have the new skeleton models in Freeport/new drake model/new water effects because damn I needs that

Agreed, want to know how you got those models working (unless you just had clips from the Game on yer HDD you used to edit with)
Just posting to say i had a ton of fun making my Slaariel vid even though it was loads and loads of work. Lately people have asked me how i did some of the scenes. All material was shot on sod and only 1 scene required more than 2 people counting the cameraman(me). So i'll happily answer any questions you have about specific scenes or whatever if you want to make your own vid someday or something?

Anyway fire away if you care about this sort of thing!

Also if you are a pro you can laugh at me for the noob way in which i made stuff i guess never hurts to learn!
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