Vial of Perfectly Preserved Blood and Poison Scraps


Staff Emeritus
I've been camping the perfectly preserved blood for the cleric Lifeward and I have earned at the very least 10aa in the Eldenal's castle clearing everything. A guildmate has spent a lot of time helping me and he is absolutely baffled that one has yet to drop. He claims that (at least they used to be) pretty common from the vampires. I have killed named after named and I've yet to see the blood drop. However, I usually see poison scraps drop. I've heard rumor that Lord Eldenal dropped the blood yesterday although he did not drop a poison scrap.

I was just wondering if somebody could look at this and see if perhaps, by some freak accident, the poison recipes replaced the vial of blood on the vampire loot table.

Thank you.
Vial of Perfectly Preserved Blood dropped off Rildar for me within the first 10 minutes of being in Eld's yesterday. It rotted. Good luck.

Having spent a LOT of time in elds castle including when the Lifeward quest went back in, the blood has never been common, always pretty rare. 10aas is indeed a bit unlucky, but not unheard of.
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