vexthal missing?


Dalayan Beginner
Ok so my Rogue got a pick and was going to the froglock place...he cant get into the MoP and i get a Sony error saying 'the zeon 'vexthal' could not be loaded you may have multiple directories for it' but i updated thru the lost dungeon of norrath and the additional zones! which one specifically gives ya these parts? i dont have 4 hours to spend downloading EVERYTHING again, just those..did i miss something? havent played in a while...
Repatch just Luclin on "The Game", that is the time that VT was put out. There are about 4 of the VT files to make the zone itself work.

EDIT: Because reading is fun!
Yeah I have all four of those files, Shadow of Luclin is updating now...then I gotta repatch..err I already tried PoP and was told it worked, which it didn't, so I hope I can get this goin...err thanks...
Okay, so I explored, and there are six.


Make sure you have them all, and yes, VT is part of the Luclin expansion, although it wasn't enabled at first. :)
I am getting the same error. Can you explain "Repatch just Luclin on "The Game","

I tried running sodpatcher and chose "Repatch All" but i am getting the same error. My Druid is stuck in Kelethin. I saw a tornado in a house and was like wtf is that? i opened the door, and it started to zone, and now my Druid is stuck with this error =(.
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