Very end of main quest, part 4.


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, on my character Itharr I seem to have bugged myself on the main quest, and I've gotten an item deleted. I talked to the Dryad, and received the dirt of the heartland to give to the clockwork behemoth. I then initiated conversation with him, and went through the dialogue, up to the point where I am supposed to destroy him. Before typing /cm d1 (Destroy Behemoth) I gave him the prototype codex off of a scavenger and he took it, and refreshed the phrase /cm d1 (destroy him). When I use that phrase, he dies as normal, and I receive the rusted clockwork device, and the message that this is what High Seeker Gavin is looking for. Upon returning this to Gavin, he eats the item and when hailed will say something to the effect of "I told you to go to the heartlands and figure out why they are not corrupted"

After talking to a friend I realize I was supposed to type the /cm d1 (destroy behemoth) phrase and then he will ask for the codex, and this seems to be the spot that I have messed up. I can only assume that if I were to be given the dirt of the heartland again I might be able to converse with the behemoth, but I'm not sure. I petitioned this and Gm Xar told me that I should post here.

I appreciate any help or advice. Thank you.
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