Dalayan Elder
About 6 months ago I upgraded to winodws 7 32 bit without any major problem apart from some distortion of fonts.
3-4 months ago I had to change my motherboard and Push to Talk on Ventrilo would work while the window was up but as soon I was in game nobody could hear me. I sort of cludged a solution by running in compatibility mode but Windows Task Manager didn't recognise the programmme as running even though it had it as a process.
Yesterday changed motherboard, processor and operating system to 64 bit version and Ventrilo x64 does exactly the same thing. There is an old sticky on the Vent website which refers to windows key being disabled in Vista for EQ but this doesn't apply to me though the symptoms are identical.
Basically using Eqwin if I have come out onto desktop and have the Vent window up PTT works but as soon as the window is minimised and I'm in the game it doesn't.
Has anybody had a similar probelm and overcome it. Any help appreciated.
3-4 months ago I had to change my motherboard and Push to Talk on Ventrilo would work while the window was up but as soon I was in game nobody could hear me. I sort of cludged a solution by running in compatibility mode but Windows Task Manager didn't recognise the programmme as running even though it had it as a process.
Yesterday changed motherboard, processor and operating system to 64 bit version and Ventrilo x64 does exactly the same thing. There is an old sticky on the Vent website which refers to windows key being disabled in Vista for EQ but this doesn't apply to me though the symptoms are identical.
Basically using Eqwin if I have come out onto desktop and have the Vent window up PTT works but as soon as the window is minimised and I'm in the game it doesn't.
Has anybody had a similar probelm and overcome it. Any help appreciated.