

Dalayan Beginner
Or, Hello Everyone.

I used to play EQ back around the time in launched up until PoP came out. I used to be in an all-evil roleplay guild called Delharen D'Oloth and we always greeted each other with Vendui :)

So I haven't actually played SoD yet as a friend I work with told me about it but I'm excited. I played a Rogue up to level 65 and I was very disappointed. I love it that I get the opportunity to start fresh, knowing what I know about the game.

Look for Merkaba online if you like to go on crazy adventures and shoot the shizzle :p If someone already took that name I'll go with Bedlam...either way...I'm looking forward to playing with everyone.
/makecharacter Bedlam
/makecharacter Merkaba

err... uhh... *cough cough* yeah i dont know why you cant use either of those character names :keke:
really weird in my opinion
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