Velious armor?



Does WR use these lines to load any armor textures?

They are all used, and I pity the people that choose luclin models over velious texture.
I never did use Luclin models. I played too long with old ones, and I love em... plus... the gimpy attack animations are just painful. 2hb anyone? :)

When I got my Bezerker's BP and legs to complete the set, I was pumped, then luclin came around and made it look like fine steel armor. /rude So I've stuck with oldschool models. (Speeds up DC'ing as well)
I quit at Kunark, so I didn't realise there were Velious graphics. I'm going to turn off all my Luclin models, and turn on Velious graphics. Thanks for the info.
i never did understand why folks used the new models. anyone remember this?

/who all silver daggers
there are 45 players in everquest

zukmar : raid time! everyone go to XXXzone

random guildie001 : i got to turn models off

/who all silver daggers
there are 7 players in everquest

heh, every raid, we would be 30 min late cuz everyone was loggin off to turn off the models

ill take performance over pretty fluff anyday, but thats just me

plus old world trolls are the win

old world models forever!
Yup, i prefer the old models. They just seem to have more
"character" than the new ones, and the animation of the luclin
models is just horrible.
I understand that nostalgia has a way of distorting one's perception of reality, but to claim the old EQ models > luclin ones... that's a tough position to back. It's like claiming the Conan movies from the 80s with a George Lucas makeover would look better than the recent Lord of the Rings trilogy. Even the master of special effects couldn't pull that miracle off.

Also I agree that some of the luclin animations are garbage, but there were also some real winners in the original animations too. Like the old ogres constantly trying to dig the wedgie out of their crack. That got just plain stupid after about 5 minutes.

Regarding luclin graphics & performace - it used to be the case that it took a high end machine to run them. But SoL was released in what year, roughly 2002? These days a bargain computer paired with a half way decent (about $100 US) video card won't even break a sweat rendering the lucling models.

I may be in the minority here but I'm definitely using the SoL models. For me it's all about the eye candy & poly count.
Payens said:
I understand that nostalgia has a way of distorting one's perception of reality, but to claim the old EQ models > luclin ones... that's a tough position to back. It's like claiming the Conan movies from the 80s with a George Lucas makeover would look better than the recent Lord of the Rings trilogy. Even the master of special effects couldn't pull that miracle off.

Also I agree that some of the luclin animations are garbage, but there were also some real winners in the original animations too. Like the old ogres constantly trying to dig the wedgie out of their crack. That got just plain stupid after about 5 minutes.

Regarding luclin graphics & performace - it used to be the case that it took a high end machine to run them. But SoL was released in what year, roughly 2002? These days a bargain computer paired with a half way decent (about $100 US) video card won't even break a sweat rendering the lucling models.

I may be in the minority here but I'm definitely using the SoL models. For me it's all about the eye candy & poly count.

Comparing art by its creation dates may well be a contender for worst comparison ever.
Payens said:
I'm definitely using the SoL models. For me it's all about the eye candy & poly count.

As soon as a Luclin model decides to move/swing/sit/whatever - it stops being eyecandy and becomes a ridiculous pile of trash that nobody should settle for.
I like the look of the Luclin models better, but the old animations and the velious armor textures were really nice.

I run Luclin models for humans, elves and barbarians and old models for the others. :D
Yeah... sitting, there's one of my biggest gripes about Luclin models. Who actually sits like that?! Monks, I suppose I can allow as maybe it's some kind of zen thing. (Though I would expect to see yoga-esgue sitting. Old models actually sit like a real person might: "indian style" (at least thats the term I always grew up using).

Kneeling looks like squatting to do something other than fit through a tight spot.... man the list goes on and on.

I remember seeing Luclin troll models and going, what!?. They're all skinny; at least compared to the old ones. Oh and the butt-scratching, c'mon that's CLASSIC. But I am a hopelessly nostalgic old school player.

Velious Texture Darkelves in Ry'gorr armor = win.
Velious Texture Humans in Bezerker = win.

500 poly Luclin models with about 3 joints in the body != win.
I remember seeing Luclin graphics for the first time and was amazed, after a week I thought they were poopy. Velious textures>all, seriously, they're better than sex! :D
melwin said:
Comparing art by its creation dates may well be a contender for worst comparison ever.

After reading my post that's what you boiled it down to? Hmm, let me try this again.

First person perspective games are all based on a graphics engine. Said engines are a technology. Let's look at a popular series of games as an illustration. Doom 3's engine is an improvement over the Quake series, which looks better than the orignal Doom engine, which looks better than the Wolfenstein 3d engine. All are FPS games by id, and John Carmack wrote the engines for all of them.

Every generation they got better. This is not a question of artistic taste, it's a matter of evolution. You can plainly see the improvements over time. Wolf 3d is very blocky and I believe only supports 256 colors. Doom3 is a marvel that not even the current top-of-the-line machines can render at it's highest detail levels. As processors gained power and video cards improved, Mr. Carmack was able to get more and more agressive and take advantage of the hardware.

The Luclin models & engine are 3+ years newer than the original EQ ones. They have a higher polygon count and are just plain superior in visual quality. If you choose to view the models as art and judge them that way it's your perogative. But clearly the age of the original models does mean they are inferior to the Luclin ones because technology matures and improves over time. I judge them from that purely technical perspective.

Basically what you're saying is "Pac Man has better models than Doom 3, and the fact that Doom 3 is newer is irrelevant". It's an unsupportable position.

I brought up the 80s Conan movies because the special effects (most notably CGI) was quite primative or nonexistant at the time. Compared to what is available today and used by the creators of the LotR trilogy, Conan looks like a high school film class project. Again, this was a technological comparison and was not based on art.
I seriously think the oldworld models look BETTER than the Luclin models, because the Luclin models look like pure ass.

And I'm not even gonna get into animations.
melwin said:
I seriously think the oldworld models look BETTER than the Luclin models, because the Luclin models look like pure ass.

And I'm not even gonna get into animations.

couldn't agree more. Horrendous models.

Original troll model is by far the best EQ model there is.
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