Vaporous Crystalline Key quest


Dalayan Adventurer
Re: Vaporous Crystalline Key quest

Lastnight myself and a bunch of guildies cleared the ice giants in EC to get our prison key groundspawn. After we got our groundspawn cystal we cleared to Nazalik to hand in and get our prison keys. There were 4 of us getting the key. When we hailed Nazalik he only had one dialog step.. iirc there should be more. We hailed handed him the crystal and he handed it back with no other dialog step. We then tried to hand in the ground spawn crystal and the communication crystal together and he handed both back with no other dialog options. We each tried this without success.
Today I petitioned and allielyn suggested to post here for help. Help please, thanks
Did you go through the dialog? It's a smidge-bit more complicated than just a hand in now. You should have gotten a journal update and everything.
A few of us got this done the other night.. the problem here is with the new text from Nazalik, he mentions the “summoner” and that you need to go to her room.

We have found out that this summoner was a mob from live. Maybe change the text so it reads “Seer” as that is were you need to go.
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