Valorium Crafted Armband


Dalayan Master
I don't know why I didnt see this before, but this piece of the Valor rewards seems to lack an aug slot ; is it intended ?

And also , would it be possible to change this graphic to some sleeves graphic ? I thought countless times it was a bracer :/
For comparison, the gauntlets have an aug slot (these are on the same set of rewards) - although they have a type 5 slot while this sounds more like a type2, but that's not a problem.


Not to disgress, but these should be called gauntlets too, so are the Stalwart Guantlets (typo ?)

Thanks for reading.
OK before it gets a month old

I'll narrow my requests to ONLY ONE
Can an aug slot be put in the Valorium arms or can we have the confirmation no aug slot is intended ?
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