Vale Guardian's Amulet quest problem


Dalayan Beginner
I have been helping a friend do the vale guardian amulet. After we kill the shadow in the basement, she loots the key and we got upstairs. She turns in the key and innkeeper fella attacks her. She gets aggro, attacks, then i go in and help. We kill it (she gets the kill shot) and nothing drops(a key and a note are supposed to). We have tried to do this several times, and its a pain, due to innkeeper fella not respawning till the next night, from what we have seen. Any advise, suggestions, fixes would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Stilvor said:
I have been helping a friend do the vale guardian amulet. After we kill the shadow in the basement, she loots the key and we got upstairs. She turns in the key and innkeeper fella attacks her. She gets aggro, attacks, then i go in and help. We kill it (she gets the kill shot) and nothing drops(a key and a note are supposed to). We have tried to do this several times, and its a pain, due to innkeeper fella not respawning till the next night, from what we have seen. Any advise, suggestions, fixes would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

You're not alone. I've had three guild mates not able to do this quest for one reason or another. Also there was talk going around of it being broken, yet I did it just fine recently myself. I can't give any advice because I don't know what they did if anything to correct the issue, but sounds to me you don't have a way out except for staff helping you.
For the key to drop from Fella you need to have the required flags actives, which require hailing yekla, and following the conversations.
Speaking of hailing Yelka; she doesn't respond anymore. Prettymuch every aspect of this quest could use a look at.
Well, Yekla answers once. That set's a flag on you, so you can hail to next NPC. So, if she's not answering, chances are you're Yekla flagged, and need next NPC.
When the key and note didn't drop for me, I went back and hailed yekla and the captain by the tree and they didn't say anything (I have tried this three times), so I'm assuming I have been flagged by them, but everytime I go back and kill the shadow, loot the key, give it to the innkeeper, and kill the innkeeper, she drops nothing. Have I missed a step?

P.S. I like run-on sentences :)
If I recall you have to speak to the Capt. before the Innkeeper, then you speak to the Innkeeper, then kill the shadow, then give the stuff to her. Might not work unless you speak to her first, most likely either before or after killing the shadow, but pretty sure you have to speak to her before giving her the key, I may be wrong, but that's how I've always completed the quest.
shanara99 said:
Well, Yekla answers once. That set's a flag on you, so you can hail to next NPC. So, if she's not answering, chances are you're Yekla flagged, and need next NPC.

My character had never even visited Rivervale, and Yelka didn't respond. I'm pretty sure it's a known issue, though, according to Jayelle on IRC.
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