Vale Amulet Quest bug?


Dalayan Adventurer
Was doing the RV neck quest with my paladin and died during the 3 shadow spawn. They despawned before I could get back so I just decided I was a little too low in the levels to do the quest at the time. I recently came back and tried to jump back in the quest but no one would talk. So I went downstairs in the Inn and killed the shadow, looted the key. Gave the key to the Inn keeper, Fella, killed her and gave the note/key to Algo.

What happened was he just gave my paladin the Gate neck without having to do the 3 shadows that spawn when you give Fendra the note. I'm sure this was not intended...
I thought that bug was already addressed a long time ago. Perhaps your flag just grandfathered you in.
Unless it's been changed, if you got to the point of the 3 shadows, you basically had everything you needed to get the neck. When you turn into the scribe in the basement, she gives you back the note you need (and presumably flags you) to turn into the captain for the neck. You just can't turn it in while the 3 shadows are up (because people were bypassing them, leaving them for the next unsuspecting quest-doer to wander into the basement).
Oh gotcha, my bad then. I could have sworn that you had to loot the last piece off of one of the three shadows to turn into Algo to get the neck, that's obviously where I thought I got stuck on since I died on that part.
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