vah sextant


Dalayan Beginner
after over a month of daily slaughtering the supposed mobs that drop this iron sextant,
I am wondering if you have to get the killshot or be the looter maybe?
if anyone else that has gotten theres could remember that would be awesome.
ive killed close to 100 of the type of mob that should be droping them and have yet to see any.
It is very rare. I have done EF probably more than most people, and I have seen two ever drop.
considering the few camps they are excessable at if you cant kill the 5 pull ...
getting 100 dead from them poping rare in 7 diff static places is pretty epic.

anyone able to confirm they drop anywhere in the dungeon from the type of mob they are supposed to?
or just in their little heaven area.
From my limited experience with it (I saw 2 drop so far and heared the exact dropspoi of a 3rd) they seem to drop from any mob they are supposed to drop from. It's just a rarity close to nonexistance.
I am curious if maybe since blue goblins were not intended to be charmed in ember..
maybe the sextant was also not intended to be so rare it makes sun dust seem common?
Can this be looked at or commented on by a dev, i really believe an extra 0 is in its drop rate.
2000 / 10% = 1/200 would seem more accurate to me on a drop that comes from rare mobs as is
rather then 1/2000. really after having to spend 6 months as is getting to this part, and for how difficult the dungeon is already. I really feel there is no need for it to take more then the 3months of 30+ hour weeks we've put in clearing ember without seeing 1 drop.

sure this item should be a bottleneck but really not to the extent it is atm.
the more rare then sundust drop rate really does make baby jesus cry and would
have to requimend to anyone starting the quest, that atm it really isnt worth the time needed
to complete it.
As a bottle neck its not that bad, atleast your not competing with the guys who have toons logged out at the eternal one ready to snipe him at a moments notice and have to wait for 5 days to hope they are at the doctors or something.

3months of 30+ hour weeks we

Although I know its definitely rare, I believe you are exaggerating that, or you are killing the wrong mobs.
As a bottle neck its not that bad, atleast your not competing with the guys who have toons logged out at the eternal one ready to snipe him at a moments notice and have to wait for 5 days to hope they are at the doctors or something.
Although I know its definitely rare, I believe you are exaggerating that, or you are killing the wrong mobs.

naw i wish i was exaggerating and ive been confirmed by a few ppl that have gotten there's after 10hour days for 2weeks straight, that i am killing right mobs.
Naa he isn't exaggerating at all lol. I would say he is being conservative in his estimate for camping the sextant.
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