Vah Knight Sword


Dalayan Adventurer
I'm curious if there is anyway to complete this quest now that Thaz is out of game. I'm very close to having everything for up to arcfire, besides the essences.

Maybe someone could take that part out and add new drops? or perhaps make these items drop somewhere again.
I'm curious if there is anyway to complete this quest now that Thaz is out of game. I'm very close to having everything for up to arcfire, besides the essences.

Maybe someone could take that part out and add new drops? or perhaps make these items drop somewhere again.

I know Ecyr is on this step and he's petitioned several times and has been told there is absolutley no way possible currently to get the thaz essences... even through /petition. i would'nt expect a fix anytime soon. but hey you never know!
Well, Thazeran's Tower is being worked on with Woldo around again... so maybe that's not too far off.
I know its not really a thread for idea suggestions, however maybe Woldo could consider putting the Thaz elements in raid zones that compliment them? PoFire = Fire essences, PoFrost = Water (as opposed to the tier 3~ PoWater), etc..
Atleast fire essences still have a source they drop from in the game, even with the removal of thaz. Unless someone changed some mobs.
Are you talking about the single mob in ToT? Idk if you'd really consider that a source (if it is what you meant).
How about a way to "unbind" thaz upgraded gear(maybe only pieces with thaz aug). Doing so would provide 1 random essence or droppable class gem.
i'd like to donate 1 fire and one water essence to a paladin or sk that is stuck on this point of the quest. I require. a Screenshot of you being on this step via hail of quest mob or journal. i also require a screenshot of all other needed items for this step.

If you can do this they are your's
has there been any progress on these items being replaced in the game?

i have Cunning, the suncoal, and all 4 essences (fire, water, air, earth), but i need eldritch steel and 2 gems of devotion.

do the steel and gems drop somewhere else yet? can i possibly /petition for them?

have worked very hard on this quest i hate for it to be blocked and my bank full of qp's i cant use

I think at this point it is fair to say the Thaz revamp is still a bit off due to Woldaff being busy in real life. As this weapon is such a vital part of a knights progression, I feel it is only fair that the drops needed be placed in the game on comparable mobs to what they originally dropped from. Please help us help ourselves here.
People should be able to bet their Sunfire Coals for Essences or Eldritch Steel in the Arena game that is coming up!!!!
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