Vah Assassinations question


Dalayan Beginner
If, during an assassination and after a successful hand-in of the rose, the quester dies during the kill, is that quester basically screwed? Vah did not pop after the kill. This happened on Garathor. Character is Zigler.
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If, during an assassination and after a successful hand-in of the rose, the quester dies during the kill, is that quester basically screwed? Vah did not pop after the kill. This happened on Garathor. Character is Zigler.

I ran into this like a billionty years ago when I was attempting to solo this, and I'm fairly certain the rose does not actually go to the mob. You should still have it, should just need to do it again correctly.
Yeah, the rose is still in my inventory. Unfortunately there is no lore on it so there was nothing to indicate whether I was screwed or not. Looks like just a fail and I get to do it again. Whee!
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