"Unwell" Well Ring


Dalayan Beginner
My ToT Well flag seems to have been corrupted somehow, hailing the initial spirit he confirms that im fully flagged, and I have the "mark of the well" in my inventory. The second spirit gives me no "Well" option though ..... /cm d7.
I've ported another toon up to with the same flags to verify this.

I have a "Mark of the Well"
Never had issues porting there before.

Afip just doesnt have the /cm d7 command to port to the Well, I waited till the server was reset / patched but that didnt fix it.

Halp pleasey :D

See below .....

It isn't a flag to the character if you have a well option or not, it's only a question if the 2nd spirit is controlled or not. I see nothing that indicates that 2nd spirit was controlled before you hailed it on your screenshot, maybe that is the issue at hand?
This is exactly my point, upon trying to control the second spirit I get the response;
"Harsh laughter eminates from the spirit ....."
instead of
"a greater burning spirit freezes in place ....."

This has been confirmed by another person that boxes my account to port/track ToT, so I am pretty much out of ideas. :tinfoil:
Considering Iratus hasn't completed Eternal Well yet, your flag was probably removed. This is pretty much standard fare.
i disabled the well rings of people who were guildless or being used solely as ringers because i get mad about flags just a heads-up
Well this shouldn't be an issue now, as we completed flagging for the well on the 23rd and did our first Eternal Well event on the 25th. Some of that was done with Afip's help and some without, he can hardly be considered a 'ringer'.
Yeah thanks Stever. You really pulled our ungeared bad playing asshole dumb shit faces through the mud on the well.
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