Dalayan Beginner
I am trying to get my friend on WR. He palyed live with me back in the day at first retail release and quit a year or so later due to teh fee. As soon as i told him about WR he wanted in. He has REinstalled and repatched EQ from scratch, and has also followed the directions to the T. I have been on the phone with him durring installation to make sure he did it correctly. He gets the patcher running, it begins to download a file, then in a DOS screen this error pops up...
An un-expected error has occured.
Please contact Christina Serenity at blah.
Please ensure to attatch PatchWR.err and the following
Message to the body of the email:
debugindlude = eql_nisc.ew
debugfunc = changeidGZ()
Press Enter...
What is he doing wrong so i can smack him. Or, would me sending him my ENTIRE EQ folder on DvD fix the problem? Knowing that mine works? He legally owns the CDs so there is no issue there. Plz help.
FUck shit ass bitch damn <----- craving special Melwin attention
An un-expected error has occured.
Please contact Christina Serenity at blah.
Please ensure to attatch PatchWR.err and the following
Message to the body of the email:
debugindlude = eql_nisc.ew
debugfunc = changeidGZ()
Press Enter...
What is he doing wrong so i can smack him. Or, would me sending him my ENTIRE EQ folder on DvD fix the problem? Knowing that mine works? He legally owns the CDs so there is no issue there. Plz help.
FUck shit ass bitch damn <----- craving special Melwin attention