Undoing this Installation?


Dalayan Beginner
So I changed my mind about wanting to play Shards.

Thing is, I can't go back to 'normal' EQEMU now. Everytime I load up the patcher, I'm met with the Shards EULA, the modified Shards login screen, and a constant "ERROR 1010 NO EQHOST.TXT FILE", when I clearly have one in the directory.

How can I remove all Shards files from my EQ directory? Is there no 'uninstall' option available, and I'm going to need to re-do a fresh installation of Titanium?
Hey, you need to copy your current install to a different folder and rename it
preferably to another HD partition, thumb drive or external harddrive, you can still run SoD when you copy the whole file anywhere.. after doing this you can install a new copy of titanium, once you install the new copy, you can copy your sod version back to your c drive. So I'm able to run both EQemu and SoD at the same time. I play EQemu when I'm camping named spawns and stuff on SoD
Based on the first line of his post, I dont think thats necessary.

Oh I know, but if he wanted to come back, then he can =) I can deffinately tell you playing SoD endgame, and playing EQemu endgame, SoD encoutners are far much more fun than anything on those other servers has to offer. I mean spank and tank and jack your resists are not fun at all.
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