Underfoot incompatible


Dalayan Beginner
I downloaded a fresh copy of underfoot. I patched woth the SoD patch. When I try to run it it tells me i'm missing both Luclin and nightmareb. I'm not sure how to get it functioning. It appears others are using underfoot with no issues. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
I get no error messages but different mobs in several places have incorrect models and look like humans. See my thread I think called "My Gnolls are Barbarians". I was wrong though, they are humans in chainmail. This is in blackburrow by the way, they look fine outside of the zone.

Skunks in the Erudite nooby area look like humans too. I've seen 1 or 2 others messed up also but I am not a very high level so there's probably more.

Will Steam let us redownload without paying?
yes you should be able to redownload from steam as many times are you see fit, on another note you might give getting a trial account for live and patching to current for live (this will get you your missing files), and then repatching to SoD, you already have the model problem so this should be a moot issue for anyone who has used this expansion set or something similar.
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