underfoot from steam


Dalayan Beginner
hi everyone,
first i am french so i am sorry for my bad english writting.
i just wanted to know if i can play to Shards Of Dalaya with the steam underfoot version that i paid sometime ago to test.

thanks for you reply and best regard

yes you can, but it is not optimal. you will be missing a few models and zone files.
generally if you have paid for the files legitimately (and you bought the game so you did) you can find another player who will send you five or six missing zone files. (mistwoods, thaztower, dfs)

the missing models, well, pumas in ncat are going to look like little humans. idk if there's a proper fix for that.
ok thanks,
i will first try to launch SoD an if everything work s fine i will ask for them.

When you open the patcher, set your game directory path to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Everquest\

Otherwise, will work like any other installation.
the missing models, well, pumas in ncat are going to look like little humans. idk if there's a proper fix for that.

Gnolls also. If you find a fix for this, share with the rest of the class. Blackburrow being full of humans is a bit of a letdown even at 65.
on the eq windows where i tip my account name and pass, i can see that i have the 1.75 version.
is this the good one ?
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