Undecided player.


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone and sorry for the inconvenience, I have played some games with this, but I'm hesitant to create me what kind of class player, I played with healers, dps, and fewer with any tank, reaching only raiding the healer type, just for that reason that so far has been with the one I've kept, it was a high elf cleric I had, which I recommend to play this time?

What kind of class is most needed, only curiosadad? thank you very much and greetings to all.
If you enjoy healing, there's always room for more healers, and especially in autumn, clerics. There was also a need for Beastlords and Enchanters when I was doing some guild raid class composition information gathering a few months ago, so those may be good options if your goal is "play hardcore and get in as high tier a raid guild as I can get".

If you're playing for fun and not "win the game as soon as possible", then I would suggest trying a few classes to level 20 or 30 and seeing what you enjoy. If you want to do a lot of raiding, you should find a class you enjoy and learn it well and focus on one character regardless of class.

Oh, and "Welcome to Shards of Dalaya!"
I would recommend monk. They take a bit more damage, but they put out a lot more damage and require less gear. Just my opinion though
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