Unable to load World


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone. I followed all the rules, patched everything and everything is going good! But... after I create my characters (which goes fine) I click Start and loading and loading.. and then it says Unable to load World?? It happens all the time and im sure i did everything right. Here is what the exact message says. "EverQuest cannot find the zone file 'katta' in the directory you are currently running EverQuest from. Please check to make sure that you do not have more than one directory with EverQuest installed. If so, you maybe be running from the wrong directory. For assistance with this problem, please call blah blah blah.. ok :) lol uhmm.. any ideas?
Like it says, you are missing a zone file, you need the zone katta.s3d if you have that file then it's corrupted, delete it and repatch to eqlive, and follow the steps to reinstall all needed for WR.
I do not have the katta.s3d file... and when i do repatch it doesnt come up? lol.. anyplace i can download the zone file?
Nvm!! I got it, so i think :D :D :D i forgot to check the expansions when EQ Live updated :) thx thx for ur help
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