Unable to download a file...


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all,

I'm new to WR and have an issue...

When I run the PatchWR file I get as far as 'Downloading file cobaltscar_chr.txt...' and then nothing.

I've run the EQ File check and I've searched my system for any file with cobaltscar in the name. My search revealed a file called cobaltscar_chr.txt.gz that is a winrar file in my new /everquest/wrfiles folder.

Anyone have any ideas? I was thinking I could just make a file of this name since it's just a small text file, but I don't know what's supposed to be in it.

Any help would be appreciated and thanks for your time!

same here but the game run well without it

get the zip file in the download section of the site
I'm having this issue as well. Some additional information that might help; my EQ is currently patched to the latest EQ version with all registered expansions (including the newest Dungeons of Norrath). All the files are in the proper folders, and it refuses to DL this file.

I did as suggested and got the two files that wouldn't download from the download section (Patchfiles). I just extracted the two files that wouldn't dl for me from that file to my /everquest/wrfiles and all is good.

thanks for the help and see you all in game!
I'm having the same problem, it just refuses to get past that file. I've tried downloading the patchfiles and installing them, but it just thinks they need updating anyway and downloads them again....then gets stuck on the cobaltscar file.

Heeelp, I so wanna try it!
Nevermind, i got it sorted now. I put it in the main directory not the wrfiles. I'ma dufus, heh.
Btw, putting the patchfiles in the main directory won't mess it up will it?
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