nah, im logging in from home with the same internet and computer that i used to play with a few months ago. i dont know what could have suddenly changed i didnt tamper with anything with files
Unable to contact server with diagnostic information! Please check your Internet Explorer settings and ensure you can contact to, and rerun the patcher. is the error that is popping up; i was online like 3 or 4 days ago then the other night this started.
so i figured something was up because of some innate I.E BULL SHITE!... so i downloaded internet explorer... low and behold i check the options and saw that "work off line" was checked... i unchecked it and it worked.
this is really reallllly weird because 1. i have not had I.E installed previously...
2. it's just really weird.
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.80 at 10/02/10 - 22:36:57
Retrieving patcher CRC.
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patchlist.php?file=patcher
WARNING! Checksum retrieved for patcher is incorrect length 0. Ignoring new version.
ERROR! Unable to open URL /patch_diag.php?code=0