"Unable to contact server with diagnostic information."


Dalayan Beginner
I just ran SoD this morning, and it worked properly, however now I'm getting the following error:

"Unable to contact server with diagnostic information. Please check your Internet Explorer settings and ensure you can connect to http://www.shardsofdalaya.com, and rerun the patcher."

Is there a fix for this? Also, my I.E. won't load the SoD site, but firefox runs it just fine. Suggestions?

Thanks in advance. =)
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Err.. I just had a fatal error with I.E., and now SoD patches fine. o_O

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Go into your game folder and delete the file sodpatcher.cfg. Then run a full repatch, it has fixed it for me in the past.

I just received this error. If anyone else gets this, go into IE and Tools and ensure Work Offline is NOT checked. Mine somehow got turned on (I dont even use IE, I use mozilla). Just an FYI for future issues.
First off I don't have that file sodpatcher.cfg and 2 I run ie 11 and I can't for the life of me find the work offline option anywhere. I've searched Google and not being extremely sharp on the pc I can't figure it out. I'm going through withdrawals here I need to play lol help me
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